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Omslag till Craters

(aka: Lunar Nexus)

Deltagare: 2-4 spelare


GrafiskformErik Andersson Sundén
🎨Christopher Stenseth


Du ønsker at blive den nye leder af Lunar Nexus. Med spillets Kalaha-inspirerede worker placement mekanik kan du ikke skaffe støtte til dig selv uden også at give dine modstandere adgang til fordelagtige handlinger.

Beboerne i den ældste koloni på månen, Lunar Nexus, søger en ny leder, og du er en af de potentielle kandidater. For at blive leder skal du opnå støtte fra de tre prominente familier – Muldvarpene (minearbejdere), Rævene (jordbrugseksperter) og Falkene (overklassen). Dette opnås/gøres ved ved at overgå dine modstandere i spillets Kalaha-lignende worker placement-mekanik, hvor dine valg vil bestemme forskellige handlinger både for dig OG dine modstandere.

I Craters bliver sorte og hvide indflydelsesbrikker placeret på forskellige handlingsfelter på det cirkulære bræt. På din tur samler du alle indflydelsesbrikker fra ét felt og placerer dem én ad gangen med uret rundt om brættet. På hvert felt, hvor du har placeret en indflydelse, handler du én gang per hvid indflydelse, og alle andre spillere handler én gang per sort indflydelse. Handlingsmekanismen er designet til at tvinge spillere til at give gode handlinger til andre. Med andre ord handler det om spændingen mellem at tage de bedste handlinger og ikke give for meget væk til dine modstandere.

For at vinde spillet skal du tjene prestige blandt de tre familier. Hver familie giver prestige for forskellige handlinger, såsom at bygge strukturer, bruge sjældne legeringer eller specifik forskning. Som spillet skrider frem, får disse handlinger større og større betydning. Din strategi vil udvikle sig, kraftigt påvirket af dine modstanderes træk på Kalaha-brættet.

Hvis du kan lide spil, hvor hver handling påvirker dine medspillere – hvorfor så ikke prøve en omgang Craters på Fastaval?

You want to become the new leader of Lunar Nexus. With the game's Kalaha-inspired worker placement mechanic, you cannot gather support for yourself without also letting your opponents take beneficial actions.

The residents of the oldest colony on the moon, Lunar Nexus, are in search of a new leader, and you are one of the prospective candidates. To ascend to leadership, you must garner the support of the three prominent Families— Moles (miners), Foxes (ecologists), and Hawks (upper class). Achieve this by outmaneuvering your opponents on the game's Kalaha-like worker placement board, where your choices will determine various actions for both you AND your opponents.

In Craters, black and white influence meeples are positioned on the action spaces of the circular board. On your turn, you pick up all influence meeples from one action space and place them one by one in a clockwise fashion around the board. In each action space where you placed an influence, you act once per white influence, and all other players act once per black influence. The action selection mechanism is designed to force players to give good actions to others. In other words, it's all about the tension between taking the best actions and not giving away too much good stuff to your opponents.

To win the game, you'll need to earn prestige among the three families. Each family grants prestige for different actions, such as building structures, utilizing rare alloys, or specific research. As the game progresses, these actions become increasingly impactful. Your strategy will evolve, heavily influenced by your opponents' moves on the Kalaha board.

If you enjoy games where each action influences your fellow players - why not join me for a game of Craters at Fastaval?

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Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)

Vinnare, Bedste Innovation - Brætspil
Craters is nominated for the especially strong sub-element of the kalaha-styled worker placement mechanic. The combination of these two well-known elements gives a truly fresh and engaging experience for the players.
The mechanic is as central to the game as the three prominent families are to the Lunar Nexus itself, and forces the players to make choices not only based on their own preferences, but also on what will benefit the co-playes the least.
The use of black and white meeples to grant actions to both the Active and Inactive players is both elegant and exciting, and makes each turn interesting to all players.

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